Thursday, March 27, 2008

True Leaves!

The first sets of true leaves are emerging less than 2 weeks after sowing. From here on, the plant will begin to photosynthesize more strongly and the growth rate will really pick up. Each pot has now been thinned down to the strongest seedling. As the first leaves began to emerge, each seedling was watered with a shot of balanced 3-3-3 Dr. Earth's Organic liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength. This light feeding with be repeated about every 2 weeks, or every other watering, to encourage robust growth.




Sugar snap and snow peas from 3 weeks ago have been hardening off outside in my little cold frame for 5 days and are just about ready to transplant into the garden - perhaps this weekend.

This weekend will also bring more bed preparation and weeding at the garden plots. More seeds to be sown as well!

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