Saturday, June 20, 2009

Keeping up with the garden

Lots of work to be done now as everything starts to take off. Weeding is a constant chore. Usually takes an hour or two a week to keep things under control. Makes for plenty of "greens" for the compost pile though.

Put up the trellising for the pole beans. Just 1x2 fastened to some T-posts for support and strung with cotton twine for the plants to climb. I read up about different trellis styles and this one made the most sense to me. Most people make them leaning the other way (like a peak, not a valley), but then all the beans hang down into the middle, where they can't be reached easily. This way the beans will hang down right on the outside for easy picking (in theory anyway).

Beans are just starting to send up the leaders that will begin to twine.

Here's the East side of the garden, where the summer vegetables are. Beans, tomato, potato, and peppers. The potatoes were hilled-up again, twice so far, hopefully leaving enough room for the tubers to form.

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