Monday, April 14, 2008

Upsizing tomatoes

The tomato plants have grown out 4 or 5 true leaves, so it's time to transplant up to bigger pots. The idea is for each seedling to never be root-bound in a pot; that is, to never run out of room for root growth resulting in roots coiling around and around the inside the pot searching for fresh soil. My seedlings' roots were just reaching the walls of the pot.

Tomato seedlings will sprout roots all along the stem if planted deeply, so these were potted deeper than before. The lowest set of leaves were stripped off, and each seedling was slipped out of its pot. The little 2" pots were replaced with quart size. Soil mix was 4 parts potting soil to 1 part organic compost.

These will continue to grow on under lights until nighttime temps are consistently above 40 degrees, after which they'll move into the cold frame to harden off.

Hoping to get to the garden plot in the next few days and get the bed ready for broccoli and cabbage transplants by the weekend.

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